Now accepting donations

Surviving the Cure raised over $3,000 on our IndieGoGo campaign! A big thanks to everyone who donated, we really appreciate your help in spreading awareness of the truth of life after cancer.

But just because our crowdfunding campaign is over doesn't mean you still can't donate and receive rewards! Go to our Donors page and click the donate button to give us a donation, and receive perks for doing so. You can get signed copies of Surviving the Cure: Cancer was Easy,* Living is Hard, a sneak peek of the author's new projects, and even added to a special Thank You page in the next edition of the post-cancer memoir. Just be sure you send us your information so we can ship your rewards to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for your support,


Surviving the Cure: Cancer is Easy,* Living is Hard Release

I am proud to announce that Surviving the Cure: Cancer was Easy,* Living is Hard is now available to purchase on Amazon as an ebook! It's been a long four years to get my memoir published, but it's finally out there, folks. Click here to buy the book!

This is a major step in my efforts to raise awareness for the difficulties that face cancer survivors after  they enter remission. While most people think once you "beat" cancer, that's the end of the story, the truth is: cancer is only the beginning, and life after cancer ain't no walk in the park. If you want to learn more about the many potential challenges that crop up for survivors, read my book and learn the truth about the least discussed, and one of the most important, aspects of cancer.

If you want to help my advocacy for cancer survivors, please check out my crowdfunding campaign and watch the video. The donations not only go toward the book, but also to help increase my efforts to increase awareness for survivorship and let others survivors know they are not the only ones battling the issues they face. You can also receive perks for donating, including signed copies of the book or inclusion on a special thank you page in the next edition.

And I would encourage anyone who purchases the book to please leave a review on Amazon. It goes a long way to helping boost visibility of my message about the challenges of survivorship.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!